Q7: Who else might my child have support from, professionally at St Mary's?

  • Educational Pyschology service - these are a team of Educational Pyschologists who offer expert advice in assisting children who have problems progressing with their education as a result of emotional, psychological, cognitive (learning) or behavioural issues. They can assist with many specific and complex needs including ASD and dyslexia; they can support children with social and behavioural difficulties and recommend/ support appropriate interventions . We receive a core entitlement from the LA but also fund additional visits from this service on a termly basis.
  • Speech and Language service - these are a team of Speech and Language experts who assist in helping children to reach their maximum potential in communication. They also support young children who have issues with eating or drinking and can make referrals and request assessments as they deem appropriate, in conjunction with the picture school and parents present. We receive a core entitlement from the LA but also fund additional visits from this service on a termly basis
  • Family Support, via Early help Applications- these are employed by the Walsall LA and work in conjunction with schools to assist in the family environment on issues pertaining to behaviour, anxiety, attendance, trauma, bereavement. They support families to work together for the children in their care. They also signpost children and their families to counselling services or to housing or financial support as needed. 
Other specialist services we can and do call upon as required include:

  • Occupational health and Occupational therapy - these two providers offer specific courses for identified children based on their own assessments- they also provide advice and monitor this as needed - reporting to school and parents. They also support school to deliver interventions and individualised programmes depending on children's needs.
  • Sensory Service for children with visual or hearing needs.
  • Our designated school nurse - she provides support in updating medical training, Individual Medical care plans and any specific training pertaining to these.
  • CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental health) - these are a group of professionals who support a variety of children with needs which have resulted in their referral to CAMHS by either parents, doctors etc. They work alongside staff, parents and children identifying next steps in progress and supporting effective monitoring of interventions.